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Showing posts from February, 2017

Throw Tomatoes at Me: at least they're real

We live inside the confines of our own story. Stories about ourselves. Stories about our friends, and what kinds of stories they tell about us. That’s all reality is; it’s story. We’re in sync with others when we can all agree on the same story, whether for our benefit or total destruction. The Jews were to blame -- thousands of people subscribed to that story, and it created a catastrophic reality. The Muslims are to blame. The Mexicans are to blame. We’re separate from others. We’re not as good as the next person. We’re better than the next person. This person is only pretending to want to get together with me. It’s all a story. It’s a story that we create right into our reality. We have a tendency to invent arbitrary norms to stay comfortably inside of a collective social story. A story that makes people feel safe, because others prescribe to the same one they do. Great, we’re all telling the same fiction and that makes it easy for everyone. Except that we get...